Monday, March 7, 2011

The Journey Begins

Matthew 28:19-20 says " Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey evertyhing I have commanded you..." The word go in this instance is not a command instructing a person to begin to perform an action. In this case the word is demonstrating an action that is already taking place. Besides that these are red letter words. IMPORTANT words. Words from my Savior to me. Who am I to continue to sit in my comfortable chair in a comfortable sanctuary in a SAFE building when there are people that have not yet heard about the saving grace of God through His son Jesus Christ.  I wish I was the one that came up with this... However I can't take credit for it. I heard it at church and added a little bit of my own words too. I bet by now you must be wondering what in the world I am talking about with the whole journey theme and all. Let me explain.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is calling me to be a full time career missionary. Scary sounding I know with the state of affairs in the world today. Trust me this is not something that I am considering lightly or with reckless abandon. I have prayed about this and continue to receive confirmations that I am indeed called to go and work in some capactiy on the mission field. The location of where I am headed has yet to be revealed to me. I know that when it is time for me to go, I will know the location. For now the only thing I can do is continue to pray and seek God in what He would have me do with this calling. I believe this is enough of an introduction into my journey. I expectantly look forward to the development of this journey. 

Unitl next time


  1. Great Blog Mel! I am fervently praying for God to reveal where and when!

    In Christ,


  2. Awesome! I am soooo proud of you!

  3. Thanks! You both are such a blessing to me!
