Saturday, August 4, 2012

Are you living full or empty?

"Are you going to live full or empty?"
Quite a question to ask of anyone. I propose that the answer to this question is that we should do both. That's impossible you might be tempted to say. You can't live both full and empty. Allow me to take you on a journey through this point of view.

Are you going to live full? We can be full of many things. Full of love, full of life, full of ideas, full of hate, full of ____ you fill in the blank. It is a list with endless possibilities. Being full of something always requires you to be empty of other things. You can't be full of love and hate at the same time. You can't be full of compassion and selfishness. You choose what you will be filled with.

My question is this... What are you being filled with that is taking up the space that God wants for himself? This requires a long hard look into the deepest recesses of your heart and a true examination of its motives. Admittedly this is not an easy examination. It reveals shortcomings and no one wants to admit that they have them.

I want to live my life full and empty. I want to be full of the things that bring God glory. I want to be full of love, kindness, patience, gentleness, and all of the rest of the fruits of the Spirit. I want to be full of joy... That's a choice and will be a future post... I want to be full of compassion for others. All of these require one thing. A choice to turn my back on the negative things that try to take their place. It's not an easy path to walk. It takes willing obedience.

Today's the day to choose! Are you going to live full or empty?

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