Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I drove by a church recently and was struck by the message on the sign in front of the building. It read "God can change your life". I've driven by this sign several times since I first saw it and every time I am hit with the same reaction. I believe the word choice is incorrect.

I suppose it's all a matter of the perspective you use to evaluate things with. On the surface the message of the sign is true. God is absolutely in the business of changing lives. I propose though that it is not a matter of whether of not He is able to change your life. There is no question about the power that God holds that will forever change your life. The point is God will change your life. There is no question about that fact. The question comes in whether or not you will allow that change to happen.

God has given us a free will. We have the choice to either respond to God or to reject him. The fact of the matter is that we have done absolutely nothing to deserve to have this choice. The truth of it all is that we are loved beyond belief by God who chose to send his son to earth to be born of a virgin, live a sinless life, be tried and found guilty of crimes he did not commit, and then sent to die on a cross bearing the wrath of God for all of our sins-- past, present, and future. That kind of love is hard to comprehend at times. It doesn't make sense that someone loves me in spite of all of the things I do that grieve His heart. That's what makes His love different. It was a choice on His part to give His son. It's a choice on our part to accept that gift freely. The consequences for rejection.... Far more steep than anything I would want to pay.

I say all of this to tell you one thing. Choose wisely. Choose carefully. Radical change will happen when you allow God to have control over your life. You will be able to do things you never imagined because they aren't being done in your strength or power. Take time and just look back and marvel at the things that God has done and watch expectantly for what is coming in the future. You won't be disappointed!

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